My Sweet Your Sour

October 12, 2011

I’ve often wondered whether or not I see colors the way you see colors the way he sees colors the way she sees colors and so on. Is my blue your blue? Is my sweet your sour? 1 + 1 certainly equals 2, doesn’t it? Besides God, I’d have to say nobody knows me better than my wife. Dad often said to me, “Perspective is a funny thing.” Although I’m a strict Independent, my friends on the Left think I’m conservative. My friends on the Right think I’m progressive. Although I’m a transcendentalist, my religious friends think I’m way off the beaten path. My less or non-religious friends think I’m a bible thumper. My parents probably think I’m an angel (clearing throat), etc. It’s hard to imagine how many folks lose friends on facebook and life in general under the wrong impression. We don’t take time anymore to ask the right questions and get to know one another. We walk away from conversations and dodge debate. I clarified a 15-year-old misunderstanding just the other day. So sad to me that we do this. We all make so many choices for so many different reasons from so many different perspectives. There’s so much we can learn from one another and about one another. I find it easier to answer what is with what isn’t. This page brings some levity to our tail-chasing hunger for universal truth…

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