I used to wonder whether or not my disdain for what is considered hip on the charts was a clear indication of my age. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a fundamental lack of class, respect and intelligence in music and on the streets today. Pop culture or art is usually a reflection of society. I find myself flabbergasted at the level of grammar and use, or rather “misuse,” of the English language on music award ceremony broadcasts. These “artists” sound ridiculous when they got on the mic. Their grammar and English reminds me of an old skit on SNL with Phil Hartman as Frankenstein, Jon Lovitz as Tonto and Kevin Nealon as Tarzan debating the merits of fire. Our kids worship these folks!? Problems with the music industry exist from top to bottom. Check out my blog called “Raising the Bar.” I discuss several of these issues including Nelly Furtado’s last “masterpiece.” There is also a reference to an awesome article by a popular jazz artist discussing similar issues. I’m either getting old or everyone else is getting stupid. I’m probably getting old.
What is Hip
May 19, 2009