Carol Anne and I found each other doing theatre. I’ve written many odes to our relationship throughout the years, but it was when she had the opportunity to play the role of Mary Poppins in 2015 that I became aware …
Carol Anne
March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
Carol Anne and I found each other doing theatre. I’ve written many odes to our relationship throughout the years, but it was when she had the opportunity to play the role of Mary Poppins in 2015 that I became aware …
June 8, 2015
The amazing sketch you see is by Eric Stafford. Eric is a good friend and an exceptional artist. Thank you, Eric. Nobody could ever have ever imagined the arts community would lose two community theatre giants on the same weekend. …
May 21, 2015
Audition Etiquette for Actors has become required reading for my developing artists. The industry is polluted at every level with those who underestimate the impact of their behavior as much as those who “apathize” or tolerate anything less than decorum. …
April 7, 2015
Remember me with laughter.James Best “When words fail…” I’m not good at these things. The impact James Best had on me is incalculable. Jimmy blessed me with his love, friendship and 30 years of inspiration. My heart breaks for Dorothy …
March 30, 2015
We care deeply, selflessly about those we know. But that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight.from Interstellar There is an art to ethics in, well, art—the business of art. Any working artist knows for every step you take, …
December 24, 2014
Dustin Ousley asked me to rate the top 5 roles he’s played. Since all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players… 1. Father – “‘Father,’ to God himself we cannot give a holier name.” — …
October 28, 2014
Why I do what I do the way I do it. From Tiffany Faucette, Singer/Songwriter. “Jeff, I just want to thank you for who you were to me and how you made me feel the moment I walked in to …