Happy New Year!

December 29, 2003

2003 was a year of growth for Scott Jeffrey’s Band. It flew by faster than any year I can remember of late. That may not be saying much considering I can’t remember where I left my car keys last night. In any case, 2003 saw the band branch out considerably; from Walt Disney World to New Jersey and everywhere in between. It’s been a year of full circles. Micah, Tony and Jeff all had the opportunity to perform their hometowns; Micah in Roanoke, Tony in Richmond and Jeff in Jersey. The band also got to meet the infamous “Laura” from the first two albums and “Nerl” made an appearance via e-mail! 2003 saw the release of Scott Jeffrey’s Band’s second album and first studio album, accompanied by the CD release gala which was a huge success. 2003 was a year of new music. The band made several new fans along the way. 2003 saw the band step foot into the college arena via the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. They also had the opportunity to hit a few new festivals.

As Scott Jeffrey’s Band enters their senior year of 2004, there’s a lot to be excited about. A new studio album is on the horizon. The band’s performing their first dinner showcase when they return to APCA’s National Conference in Atlanta in March. You’ll see the band pairing up with a lot of other regional groups. A new Space Machine is in the works, a new web site and I anticipate a lot more new music this year. Please help continue to spread the Holy Word of the sjB to the masses! Thanks for your support! The band would also like to thank their families for believing in them.

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