Today is “World Toilet Day.” So, Happy World Toilet Day!
Sorry I didn’t write earlier in the week. I’ve been quite sick with the flu, but I think I’m better now. I can’t be too sure.
Last week and this week have been rather uneventful. Timmy’s talking up a storm. It’s a new word a minute, practically. I think I’m bias, but my favorite is when he says, “Love you, Daddy.”
Carol Anne’s been able to do this “secret shopper-thing.” We get to go out for one dinner and one lunch per month at an assigned restaurant and basically review the service, food, etc. and the secret shopping company reimburses us for most of the meal. This month’s assignment was Buffalo’s Southwest Café. I think we gave it two thumbs up. I haven’t seen Carol Anne’s final report yet, though.
Some of you may or may not know that Carol Anne and I are in the process of trying to sell our house and move. We figure it’ll take a while. Times are tough, but we’ve been through much worse, so, not to worry. Mostly, we’re not happy with the location. My car’s been broken into twice and a 50 lbs. pumpkin was stolen right off our front porch! We can do much better.
My Mom sent me the following blurb about one night out on their trip to Savannah, GA. I thought it was funny. Goes to show you that we get old before we know it.
“I don’t know if Dad told you about the show we saw in Savannah. It was called ‘Lost in the Fifties.’ There was a lot of gray hair in the audience. The guy sitting near Dad was wearing oxygen. When they told everyone to stand and twist to a Chuck Berry song, a lot of folks tripped over their walkers. ‘Lost in the Fifties?’ Heck, people got lost trying to get back to their seats after intermission. Guess we’re getting old. Love, Mom”
The band will be going on an East Coast tour here pretty soon. We’ll be performing in VA, NJ twice, again in VA, SC and then FL at Walt Disney World for three nights. It will be a week straight of performances with one day off in the middle. Other good news found us being sponsored on our return to the big college conference in Atlanta in March. That’s very good news because the conference costs a ton of money.
That’s all for now. Don’t forget to check out Carol Anne’s website!