I remember the first CD my father brought home to play on our brand-spankin’ new, family CD player. It was 1986 and the CD was “Born in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen. The sound was incredible. Just when I thought cassette tapes couldn’t get any better, compact discs changed the way I heard music forever. Fast forward a decade when I experience DVD for the first time. Wow! The clarity, the sound, the features! Just when I didn’t think home video could get any better, DVD changed the way I viewed movies forever. Just when I didn’t think home entertainment could get any better, Blu-Ray and hi-definition have arrived. All of this got me thinking about Christ. When Christ is at the front of the line and the center of our lives, he clarifies everything. He is the hi-definition in our lives. We appreciate everything more. We pay a little more attention. We love a little bit deeper. “The day is brighter,” “the night is lighter.” JC is the HD!
JC is the HD!
June 12, 2009