“There are no small parts, only small… Shakespeares?”
I’m sure I got that quote wrong but with auditions for Hickory Theatre’s production of “Something Rotten! this week, let’s talk ENSEMBLE.
Before you circle “No” at “Would you accept any role?”—consider what it means to be part of THIS ensemble.
NICK BOTTOM’s acting TROUPE consists of TOM SNOUT, ROBIN (who loves a great dress), PETER QUINCE, SNUG, FRANCIS FLUTE, and, of course, the MINSTREL. The TROUPE performs more than most of the principal actors!
The MINSTREL welcomes the audience to the Renaissance and the world of Something Rotten! With a merry and ironic disposition, the Minstrel sets up the scene for the audience to enjoy all the show’s twists and turns.
The FEMALE ENSEMBLE has more stage time than the principal females, playing various characters like HELENA and MIRANDA, who throw a baby shower for BEA.
Both MALE and FEMALE Ensembles could double and perhaps triple in a variety of roles that include several solos, Shakespeare’s Bard Boys, Townspeople, Shakespeare’s Announcer, the Astrologer, the Gypsy Woman, the Eyepatch Man, Shakespeare’s Valet, the Reapers, the Renaissance Writers, the 3 Chefs, the Royal Family, the Puritans, the Sad Little Egg that gets to show off her Dreamgirls chops—and SO MUCH MORE!
LORD CLAPHAM begins as the Bottom brothers’ primary patron, but that changes quickly once he hears that Shakespeare is performing the same play. Clapham is excited by the arts and certainly not ashamed to share his sometimes zealous opinions about the Bottoms’ shows.
SHYLOCK is a Jewish moneylender who wants nothing more than to be considered a patron of the arts but by law, can’t be considered an official investor. Regardless, he continues to help Nick because he can’t stand to be anywhere else besides the theater.
This isn’t your average ENSEMBLE. So, no, there are no small parts—there are MANY parts for good actors and singers. Circle “Yes!”
Auditions for Something Rotten! will be held at Hickory Theatre on Friday, June 4th from 6:30 pm & Saturday, June 5th from 11 am with possible callbacks on Sunday, June 6th.
For more info, click here or visit https://hickorytheatre.org/event/auditions-something-rotten
Auditions will consist of both a dancing and singing portion. Please come dressed comfortably for your dance audition.
Please prepare 16 bars; preferably from (but not limited to) Something Rotten! Recommended selections for each principle role and ensemble are available here: 16-bar Principle Selections
An accompanist will be provided. Do not bring your own accompanist.
Director: Eric Seale
Music Director: Jeff Hartman
Choreographer: Leanna Bodnar
Performance Dates:
August 27-September 11