Worship Without Walls

August 12, 2009

Getting to Know Our Music Ministry

We want folks who are interested or already involved with praise & worship to know specifically what is expected of them and how or where exactly he or she enters the mix. As we move forward in growing the kingdom of God, it is important to define expectations and goals. With you in mind, we are publishing these criteria and guidelines.

The worship team exists to grow the kingdom of God, edify and encourage the body of Christ within this church (1Cor 12:28). Our goal is to praise and worship God, not just in worship, but with our lives so that “the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart” are acceptable to the Lord (Ps 19:14). Within worship, the goal is to bring the congregation into the presence of God (2Ch 7:1,2; 1Pet 2:5) and set the stage for the preaching of the Word of God with the ultimate goal of changing lives into the image of God (Rom 12:1,2; 2Cor 3:18). Music is a powerful tool for achieving this purpose.

What We Do

• We position worshippers and present music on a platform before God and the congregation in a very intentional and transparent way.

• We coordinate and communicate tech, instrumentation, arrangements, charts, demonstration music and most importantly, people in cooperation with youth praise & worship, outreach, the pastor’s message and the theme of the service or sermon series.

• Build a directory of able singers and musicians
• Project a calendar of music ministry events
• Develop relationships and establish communication
• Grow and regularly present a contemporary choir
• Outreach music in coordination with calendar events
• Regularly rotate musicians, including and in coordination with outreach and youth praise & worship
• Separate adult and children?s choir nights

• Space
• Sonic clarity
• Site lines
• Volume
• Gear
• Time is limiting
• Technical consistency is an issue with any “mobile” church.
*We will continue to make every effort to intentionally dress any stage and enhance any service with choirs and alternate instrumentation when applicable and appropriate with respect to our limitations.

Some Things to Consider
Before folks approach and ask if they can be part of the team, we strongly encourage those folks to consider the following and evaluate where their hearts are.

• Desire & Motivation – Ask yourself, “Am I in it for His glory or my own?”

• Membership – Music ministry is not the right of the talented but a privilege extended to the committed and faithful. We are not limited to those committed to this particular body of believers, but the regular, ongoing and leadership nature of this ministry should require a strong commitment to the people and leadership of this church.

• The Heart of Worship – To qualify for the worship team, one must be a worshipper. Every member, musician and singer alike, must have a love for praise and worshipping Christ. As a leadership ministry, we are committed to maturing in Jesus. Encourage and challenge one another. Everyone involved in worship ministry is a leader of worship.

• Proficiency – Musicians and vocalists need to be skilled enough to follow the order of a service and improvise in the Spirit of God. Keep in mind that the team and the material will only be as musically proficient as the individuals that form the team. It is also not enough to say one can play a guitar. One must demonstrate technical proficiency. Such is the nature of any instrument and related gear.

• Commitment – Rehearsals, practice and prep before each rehearsal and ministry are mandatory. In addition, there are outreach opportunities which will require equal, if not more, time commitment and availability.

• Unity – Worship ministry is a team effort. All involved must be willing and able to take direction and work as a team. We are a single unit with a single purpose. Our heart attitude should not be to shine forth our own technical skill but to use that skill to enhance the team as a whole.

The Road to Rotation

• The Approach – Please express your interest(s) or intentions as specifically as possible directly to the music director or worship leader.

• Interview – Make arrangements to meet with the music director or worship leader to discuss your interests and establish a personal connection.

• Auditions – Further arrangements will be made for you to audition prior or following any given rehearsal.

• Trial Period – There may be a trial period at the discretion of the music director during which the individual will attend rehearsals but will not play/sing with the team during service. The purpose of this directive is to ascertain genuine interest. In the spirit of unity, this period also allows time for the individual and the rest of the team to gel.

• Rotation – If all?s well, we will consider entering you into a rotation for one of the following music ministries.

*Where the Opportunities are
• Adult Worship Team
• Youth Worship Team
• Choir
• Tech
• Outreach
• House or Community Group Worship

Nuts and Bolts

• Communication – Direct contact and communication with the music director and worship leader is a must. In-person or via phone is the preferred means by which to communicate thoughts, ideas and concerns. Unifier and email is very much the preferred means by which to communicate plans,
calendar conflicts, etc.

• Weekly Rehearsals – Whenever team members are scheduled to minister at a service, they are required to be in attendance according to the following table.

• Punctuality – If it is not possible to make a rehearsal on time, please notify and communicate directly with the music director or worship leader in advance and as soon as possible so other arrangements can be made accordingly.

• Outreach & Youth Praise – Team members may also be needed to serve tech, youth praise or outreach programs.

*Spiritual Prep – Our spiritual preparation has a direct effect on our effectiveness as a music ministry team. We need to come ready not only to sing and play music but to worship the King and minister to His people. The essential element in any ministry is our relationship with the Lord. Without a close relationship to the Lord, the worship team will not be effective regardless of musical proficiency.

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